Becoming spiritually healthy saved my life. I was on a downward spiral and didn’t even know it. I knew nothing about my spirit, let alone being spiritually healthy. In retrospect, I remember feeling like I was walking with blinders on, trying to find my way. Even though I was doing things that my friends and colleagues were doing, I felt alone, different, an outsider. There was no satisfaction, so much unrest. I spent much of my young adult life simply, “going through the motions.”
I graduated from college with a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. From day one, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. No changing majors for me. I started college and in 4 years exactly, I finished. I landed a job quickly in my field. I admit, I was content, happy even ... until trouble struck. My career was threatened and I found myself without a job and broke. A single mother to a 5-year-old little boy, with no direction or plan.
The testimony of a few catalytic friendships altered the course of my life. God had been speaking the entire time, trying to get my attention through all of the circumstances. From getting pregnant in college to losing the career that I loved, it became clear that my spirit was operating at a deficit. I had no idea that wellness was near.
I submitted to the voice of God and the counsel of a dear friend and my outlook slowly began to change. Peace became my refuge and my spirit gradually transformed. Engulfed into the Word of God, I cannot describe the spiritual metamorphosis that took place and surfaced at the top of my life.
Spiritual enrichment classes, rigorous biblical training courses, Bible teaching certification and later a license to preach would later dominate my newfound life. I was settled. I’d found myself and was now in tune with my inner man. The spirit within me could breathe. It was refreshing.
I’d discovered the difference between my self-esteem and God-esteem and it helped me to not only grow but win. Now, I aim to do the same for you. I’m here to support you through your journey of becoming spiritually healthy.
Authentic. Candid. Engaging. Supportive. I’m here for you. Right here. Right now. Grounded in faith. Moved by your journey. Ready to walk alongside you.
Let’s grow, win, and become spiritually better together.